For more information:
Tony Grainger
International Phone: ++ 66 8 6275 2480Mobile in Thailand : 08 6275 2480
I’m passionate about design. I’m passionate about the marine environment.
I’m privileged to be able to combine the work of design with my love of the ocean and the pleasure of play and adventure in the wind and the waves.
My work is to express that passion in the designs I create. To bring you the latest in design technology with inspired style and great sailing qualities. To connect you with the people, the processes, the materials and the technologies that make it all real while avoiding the cost and complexity that can stand in the way of your sailing enjoyment.
In 2016 we’re celebrating 30 years of designing high performance multihull yachts, of exceptional racing achievements that you can see on the racing results pages. Thirty years of designing boats for cruising, for racing, for the sheer enjoyment of sailing.
Please feel free to become involved. Builders, suppliers and customers alike, we welcome your opinions and feedback on our work with a view to providing our customers with the best possible sailing experience.


LWL @ DWL...............................................14.4m / 47'22"
HULL DRAFT..............................................575mm / 1'10"
Beam on WL.................................................1.142m /3'8"
Length: Beam ratio..................................................12.6:1
Displacement DWL........................100003 kg / 22007 lb
Sinkage rate......................................................260 kg/cm
Typical sailing weight in cruising trim: 8500-9000 kg
(18700 lb - 19800 lb)
raku catalogue

LOA ..................................................................16.4m / 54'
BOA ..................................................................8.3 / 27'32
Beam CL-CL........................................................6.4m /21'
Hull draught DWL...........................................603mm /2'
Draught fixed keel...................................1100mm / 3'7"
Hull B:L ratio...............................................................1:14
Headroom saloon..............................................2m / 6'6"
Max Displ. DWL....................................13380kg/29436lb

LOA .................................................................18.3.m / 60'
BOA .................................................................8.8 / 28'10"
Beam CL-CL.....................................................3.4m /11'2"
Hull draft.......................................................645mm /2'2"
Beam WL...................................................1332mm / 4'4"
B:L ratio....................................................................1:13.8
Wetted area 2 hulls............................56.9sq.m/612sq.ft
Bridgedeck clearance DWL.................................1m/3'3"
Headroom in saloon............................................2m/6'6"
Headroom in hulls...............................................2m/6'6"
Max Displ. DWL....................................16310kg/35882lb